
First Training Camp for the Craft Elite Run Team

This week the Craft Elite Run Team held their first Training Camp together, on Madeira. This is the first time that the whole team gathered to meet IRL. (Except David Laney, who unfortunately couldn’t make it)

It was great, fun, kind, crazy, smart, strong, impressive, all-over-the-place, group of people. Every single one is genuinely warm-hearted and has indescribably much personality.
Abel Recknold has done an amazing job coordinating all this. 

On site the team received their new specially designed race kit. They looked amazing when they wore it on their first run together. They also got the chance to try both new clothes and footwear. After 100 meters the shoes were very promising, looking forward to hearing the reviews after 100 miles plus.

The other day Craft took a group of athletes to the running tracks for a photoshoot for the upcoming Hypervent 2 campaign (launching S/S24). They had a photoshoot on the mountains above the clouds for the S/S24 trail collection.

They also brought a film crew (consisting of two outstanding brothers, same guys shooting the Rivs documentary) and took the opportunity to film and interview the team. Stay tuned to hear more of this.

There is a set schedule by the hour, each day, to get as much out of these days as possible. Both training wise but also content/campaign/film/photo -producing.

At this time of writing the team is exploring the beautiful and steep (very steep) trails around Madeira. There’s a lot of training, sweating, climbing, exploring going on right now and above all new friendships are being found.

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